
iSoftStone Achieves AA ESG Rating and Tops the Industry, Listed in "2023 Wind China Listed Companies ESG Best Practices Top 100"



On December 4th, Wind released the list of "2023 Wind China Listed Companies ESG Best Practices Top 100". iSoftStone (301236.SZ), in virtue of its leading practices and outstanding performance in environmental protection, social responsibility, and corporate governance, successfully secured a spot, obtaining an AA ESG rating and ranking first in the information technology services industry.



This ranking by Wind is based on the latest Wind ESG ratings for all A-share and Hong Kong-listed companies (approximately 8,000 companies). It selects the listed companies with the best ESG performance in various industries, showcasing the outstanding contributions of ESG pioneers. The aim is to promote the sustainable development value of listed companies, helping investors focus on and discover the ESG value created by excellent listed companies. The recognition of iSoftStone in this prestigious list signifies high industry acknowledgment of its ESG practices and achievements.

In recent years, iSoftStone, leveraging its unique characteristics and industry attributes and innovating management approaches, has developed a distinctive sustainable development management system and implemented numerous ESG practices, achieving significant results. In 2023, iSoftStone achieved a major breakthrough by obtaining an AA rating in Wind ESG ratings and Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE) National ESG ratings, ranking first in the industry and among the top five A-share companies. Additionally, it was successfully included in the "National Social Responsibility Index" and "SZSE Responsibility Index", playing a crucial role as an industry leader and benchmark.

On November 16th, iSoftStone was awarded the "2023 Best Practices Case for ESG in Listed Companies" by the China Association for Public Companies during the First China Sustainable Development Conference for Listed Companies. On November 23rd, iSoftStone was honored with the "2023 IDC China Sustainable Development Pioneer Case" at the 2023 IDC China Sustainable Development Summit.

Faced with the common challenges of global sustainable development, iSoftStone will continue to uphold its responsibility philosophy of "people-oriented, caring for employees, green environmental protection, and innovative development". It will deepen ESG practices, continuously strengthen and improve ESG management, collaborate with all stakeholders, explore the path of sustainable development, and make new and greater contributions to empowering various industries in digital transformation and promoting economic development with a focus on green, low-carbon, and high-quality growth.


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